Sunday, April 3, 2016

What a surprise!

Genealogy is evolving and now includes DNA as a tool for research. I recently had my DNA tested through FamilyTreeDNA. My results were surprising! After all of these years of research, I didn't expect to find anything unusual. What I got was a new perspective on my ancestry.

My DNA reveals that I am 100% European. No surprise there. The breakdown, however, is British Isles - 40%, Western and Central Europe (concentrating on France, Switzerland and Germany) - 32%, and Scandinavia (concentrating on Norway) - 28%. What? Scandinavia?! I'm Irish, Germany AND Norwegian?

Thanks to DNA testing I've found new cousins and now, possibly a new place of origin for my family. I'm curious to learn  more about this piece of my heritage. My imagination is running wild!